This past week the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published a new study in which they identify that the US Healthcare System wasted more than $750 billion in 2009. In addition to admin costs, unnecessary and inefficiently delivered services are cited as accounting for the majority of the $750 billion waste.

The IOM foresees the need for healthcare system to evolve continuously learning systems that take account of research studies and data to more effectively manage and plan for services delivery. In particular they identify the following characteristics of continuous learning behavior;

• Patients and Clinicians are partners
• Healthcare providers are rewarded for reducing waste, rendering high value care, and improving their performance
• Transparency reigns. System vital signs for safety, clinical outcomes, cost, and the like are available to both clinicians and patients
• The system is committed to a culture of teamwork, collaboration, and adaptability

Reading the above, to those familiar with the Mandt System approach and methodology will strike them as representing pronounced parallels to some of the Mandt foundational principles.

The partnership concept is developed fully through the ‘relational’ curriculum of Mandt and relates both to our relationship with organizations and cascades through to staff relationships with those whom they serve.

Rewarding the positive in whatever form it takes, based upon improved outcomes and quality of service and care, is a cornerstone mantra to the Mandt ‘conceptual’ curriculum.

Openness and honestly with all constituents, undertaken with a genuine commitment to learn and improve are concepts that weave throughout the Mandt curriculum and represent some of the building blocks in the Mandt 4 Mangers program.

Teamwork, Collaboration and Adaptability make for core characteristics in any continuous improvement focused organization irrespective of the methodology they adopt to facilitate that process.

In a time where the challenge is to do more with less the learning from this IOM study should be particularly welcome. It will be interesting to look back in 3-5 years and see the differences that have evolved.

The new IOM report is titled, Best Care At Lower Cost: The Path to Continuously Learning Healthcare in America and can be found online at;

Mandt Director of Communications