Well, here we are. I had originally planned to write about graduations and parties and being with friends and family at the commencements of our seniors – both high school and college. But, that didn’t really happen. Well, I mean, it sort of happened I guess. I watched people in caps and gowns give speeches from their living rooms or their offices and then pictures of the graduates would flash up on my screen. Then I texted my nieces and nephews a line of congratulations (I have a niece and three nephews graduating high school and one niece graduating college – not to brag or anything). I watched videos that friends posted of their graduate standing in their front yard as a caravan of teachers and school board members drove past honking and shouting congratulations. I even watched a “drive through” graduation, which I found fascinating.
It wasn’t exactly what I was originally expecting, but you know, none of those things were half bad! I think it’s really awesome to see how creative people have gotten in their attempts to make graduation special without having a typical graduation ceremony.
The Mandt System has faced a similar struggle. Not that we are going for “special” but we always want our training events to be meaningful for you. For those of you recerts who were due to attend training during the past couple of months, we have branched out and tried something I never would have thought possible! We did recertification classes “virtually.” It was a combination of eLearning and video coaching with one of us Mandt Faculty members. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure how this would go, but I have to say that I’ve been very pleasantly surprised.
It’s been really cool to be able to work 1:1 with those of you who participated (or sometimes 2-3 of you at a time that participated). We’ve heard positive feedback from you as well – especially in that you felt you had more personalized attention from us than you have experienced at in-person training events.
We are slowly starting to do in-person training again. Some states are opening up more quickly than others and we continue to monitor the situation very closely. Please be assured that Mandt Faculty are taking every precaution to ensure your safety (and ours). Check our website (au.mandtsystem.com) for our schedule of upcoming events or, if you have questions, feel free to give us a call at (800) 810-0755. Remember, we’re all in this together!
See you soon!
Nikki Wince – Mandt Faculty Supervisor