This weekend I was talking to a friend of mine and he made a comment akin to “you lead a much more glamorous life than I do.” He’d asked what my schedule was going to be in the upcoming weeks and I’m sort of hopscotching from east to west (with just a little bit in between) for the next few weeks.
I remember having the same perception before I actually started working full time for The Mandt System. I’d ask my good friend Tim Geels where he’d been recently and where he would be going next. From the outside it can sound very exciting.
However, just this past week I had to switch hotel rooms due to spiders. Yes, spiders. I’m not particularly fearful of spiders, but after killing three of them on the bed in about an hour, I decided to see if I could switch to a different room. I know some of you would have burned the hotel to the ground, but I don’t feel quite so strongly about them. Regardless though, not so glamorous.
Also this past week, I had to deal with snow and various winter weather related issues. I didn’t have too many problems, but my co-worker Dale was not quite so fortunate. I watched (via social media) while he was faced with delay after delay after cancellation, etc. as it took him about 24 hours to get home. No matter how you slice it, not so glamorous.
Now, before you start to feel too badly for us as Mandt Faculty, there is plenty of “glamor” in this gig too. Without Mandt I certainly would not have had the opportunity to travel to all fifty states (I’ve read that less than 1% of the US population can say that). I would likely have not gotten to several provinces in Canada. I am quite sure that Australia would have been outside my reach.
So, maybe my friend is right! Glamorous or not, I’m thankful to work for this company and I’m very excited to welcome 2020. Spiders, delayed flights and all.
Nikki Wince – Mandt Faculty Supervisor