I have realized I need people. I need support. Untethered, I wander aimlessly and do not feel as supported. My anxiety rises when I am not surrounded by the people who give me guidance and feedback. Fortunately, I have wonderful people in my life who push me and pull me to go higher and do more. It’s not that I cannot do things on my own. I simply do not do them as well. People often comment on how much I do. I hope I always reflect back that I could not do what I do without the people in my life that support me.
I recently have found myself in a funk. Motivation low. Inspiration lacking. Direction questioned. I started to self-reflect and realized that I have been untethered in recent weeks and months from the people who help support me on a regular basis. Two of the key people in my work life have been out of the country and though we have had contact, it hasn’t been on the same level I have become accustomed to over the years. My closest friends have been busy with work and life. My oldest son now has a life of his own and I have missed time just talking with him. My wife has been busy doing all the things she does with our kids, their school as a PTO member and her work that we have neglected our normal routine of dating on a regular basis. It has been months since we have had time away without the kids.
Untethered, I have found myself not truly being myself. In the Mandt System we talk about the need for healthy relationships. The reason we need them is to keep ourselves grounded…focused…tethered. I am so glad that one of my work colleges is back. I connected with a close friend this past weekend and am spending time this week with another. My oldest son was back this weekend with my future daughter-in-law and it was great just to hang out and talk. Soon my wife and I will be going on a trip to Israel and will get some quality alone time. I am so glad the ties are starting to rebind, and my tethers are becoming more secure. I need my people! Make sure you are connecting with your people also!
Tim Geels – SVP of Instruction and Corporate Implementation