The Mandt System® teaches that consistently treating individuals receiving services and other caregivers with respect and dignity can develop healthy relationships. Examples shared include security staff in jails and prisons, who treat the inmates with respect have sometimes been protected during riots by individuals for whom they were responsible. A certified Mandt Instructor (AA) shared an experience that clearly exemplifies this concept.

AA works with young women in a secure juvenile justice facility. She was alerted after working hours of the elopement of 3 young females with whom she worked. They climbed the 16 foot fence surrounding the facility but were quickly apprehended when they hid in the back of a Sherriff’s truck. When AA returned to work, she debriefed with the young women, inquiring about how they made their plans. The young women informed AA that they made a decision to wait until she and another caregiver were off duty to make sure they did not get her in trouble when they eloped. Everyone who was on duty at the time was terminated for their failure to notice the young women climbing the fence (neglect).

This reinforces the concept that consistently treating individuals with respect and dignity can develop relationships that are motivated by trust and mutual respect. The Mandt System, Inc. appreciates AA sharing this touching experience with us and allowing us to share it with others.