How we support Professionals
Supervisors, Team Leader or Direct Support, all these professional roles play an integral part in promoting a safe and healthy workplace.

Tailored to your sector

Training specific to role
Front line staff, managers, and administrators each have their own unique perspectives on safety. Our program takes these differences into account.
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Reduce Restrictive Practices
Our approach requires a move away from control and coercive techniques and a commitment toward restraint reduction and wherever possible, restraint elimination.
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I have been a Mandt Instructor for 5 years now. I am very proud of how our staff has implemented the Relational Chapters, as a company we have concrete numbers to show our successes. Through the hard work of our staff in building the relationship, the foundation for all work to be done, we have dropped 176 behavioural plans and two restraint plans. This leaves us with only one restraint plan for roughly 100 persons served.
-Alisa Miner, Tri-Valley Developmental ServicesMANDT provides learners an opportunity to think about clients as people, and to better understand the wonderful opportunity that we as staff have to shape the way that they think and feel about the world around them.
-Ronald Malcolm, Lansing School DistrictI’ve being using the Mandt System for over 12 years first as a front line staff and now as an instructor. The reason I love working for my company is that the philosophy of relationship, person directed supports and kindness is top down. This comes from the people I work with, but also from the Mandt mantra of relationship first.
-Tyler McCurdy, Mosaic Community Services, Inc.The Mandt System challenges you to take off your blinders and begin to value people and their contribution rather than react to a label or behavior. Building Relationships is the bridge from reaction to responding.
-Cathy Damen, Union Public SchoolsFor 23 years, the Mandt System remains the only relationship-based crisis intervention training I’ve had. I am very familiar with other programs and have not found anything “out there” worthy of my time, professionally developing for my team or safe for the men and women we serve!
-Lana Pas,Mind-blowing techniques of Mandt such as quick touch, hold not grab, going in close for safety and balance, the relax (is brilliant) the ‘excuse the touch’. These and many more things I have learned in this one week course is mind-bending and awesome!
-Anne Titus, AWS/Benchmark Human ServicesI have been a charge nurse in the Emergency Room at Mercy for 18 years on the evening shift. Been training MANDT for 8 years. The benefits we see in the emergency room is that we now have a systematic approach when interacting with the mentally ill and in dealing with families in a crisis. Statistically, I can get you some numbers but I can safely tell you that we have reduced our patients in restraints by 60 -75 %.
-Darlene Jewra, Vancouver Resource SocietyWe’ve used it (The Mandt System) for a long time and it’s the best system we’ve ever used. It’s the only system we’ve used that truly teaches treating people with dignity and respect in all situations.
-Robin Strickland, Corridor Community Options SocietyI always enjoy talking with people about how I feel the Mandt System can benefit people in their professional and personal lives. It is a program that works best when it is embraced by the participant. I am truly honored to be associated with such a great group of people. . . .
-Glenda Smith, Florida Care Properties, Inc.I really like The Mandt System and its’ concept of teaching people the importance of building relationships and treating people with dignity and respect. And not just mentioning these concepts, it is the main focus of the program. I was actually a part of the curriculum review team for APD. While MANDT was not one of the curriculums I reviewed, it is the one I chose to use with my organization.
-Lennie Jahn, Residential QHSPFAYCO Enterprises, Inc.I believe in the Mandt System and I brag about how well it works in our department here at Bexar County Juvenile Detention Center. Thank you, I had a great time in training.
-Wayne H. Harvey, Chief Operations Officer , Independent OpportunitiesI was initially skeptical prior to training, but within a very short time period I began to reassess myself and previous practices and situations. I am sold on the Mandt System. I look forward to implementing it myself with my kids in the regular classroom and in coaching situations.
-Randy Barela, Charles Preaus – Fairland Public Schools, Fairland OKI appreciate the curriculum realignment, new information and instructional resources that the Mandt System is providing.
-Doug VonEhrenkrook, Sedgeick County Area Educational ServicesI’m highly interested in becoming an instructor for my agency. I worked for the county board for 13 years from 1996 to 2009 and received training when the board began using your certification. I received training in both conceptual and physical as well as advanced. The system by far is above any other training of its type and I have seen others and their concepts which do not protect either party in a crisis situation.
-David Lyon, Avenue to Independence LLC Canton OHOur methods are backed by research
Restraint episodes pre-training were 92% higher than post training (8%).